Has Your Air Conditioner Been Running Up Your Energy Bills?

It’s summer, and with hot weather, you can count on higher energy bills. Here at Blue Ridge Heating and Air, we hear from people all the time who are frustrated by their high energy bills, and wondering whether their HVAC system is to blame. The short answer is probably yes, but there’s a little more that goes into it. 

Your heating and cooling systems use energy, and in the process run your energy bills up. This article is going to go over a little more of the reasons why your energy bills are higher, and what you can do to keep them down. If you want to speak to one of our experts about your HVAC system, give us a call or contact us online. One of our experts will be able to take a look at your HVAC system and make recommendations that will help bring your energy bills down. 

Here’s what you should know if your bills are skyrocketing and you expect it’s from your AC:

Air Conditioners Do Use A Lot Of Power

Air conditioners, especially window air conditioners, require a lot of power to operate their fans, compressors and other components, all of which draw substantial amounts of power which means bigger electric bills for you.

Weather Factors

When it’s hot and humid outside, your AC is going to run for longer, or even continuously, and that’s going to lead to higher usage and higher bills.

Inefficiency Leads To Bigger Bills too!

Your AC Bill Could Be Rising For A Number Of ReasonsWindow air conditioners and older systems are likely to be less efficient, which means they use more energy to try to get you comfortable, compared to newer systems with more efficient coolants and heat pumps, which can deliver a lot more comfort using less energy.  Lack of insulation around window AC systems can also “let all the cold/bought air out” which not only wastes the comfort you’re paying for, but gives your grandparents/parents something to lecture you about.

Thermostat Settings

Every time you lower the temp on your thermostat, you are making your system work harder and longer, and increasing your energy bills. Every degree above 72o can save you about 3% on your cooling costs.  The Department of Energy recommends setting your AC at 78o for balancing comfort and savings, and higher when you aren’t home to maximize savings. Increasing the temperature 7-10 degrees from your usual comfort level when you aren’t home can save you about 10% a year.

Humidity Levels

You’ve heard- “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity!” and that’s true- the more moisture that’s in the air, the more uncomfortable and sticky you’re going to feel.  Your air conditioning helps control both temperature and indoor humidity, and it will logically run more in hot sticky weather.  A whole house dehumidifier will use less energy than your AC and will help your home feel more comfortable at higher temperatures, reducing your energy bills in the process.

Frequent On-Off Cycling

If your AC is turning on and off frequently, this can really increase your energy bills- it’s more efficient to simply find a temperature and maintain it that have wild swings in comfort levels. Also if your system is cycling on and off frequently, it greatly increases the wear and tear on your system, so this is a sign you should call a trusted HVAC technician like the staff here at Blue Ridge Heating & Air to check your system for potential problems.

Tips To Reduce Energy Consumption And Save Money

Now that you know what causes the energy bills to rise the way they do, you here are a few tips that will help you reduce the amount of energy you consume.

Set The Thermostat Higher

Every degree above 72 can save you 3% on your energy bills, so that’s one of the first things you can do to help reduce your bill. This may not be the most comfortable solution, but there are ways to stay cool even if the temperature is set a bit higher. 

Use Fans

Ceiling and portable fans can help distribute cooler air more evenly through a room. These fans should let you set the thermostat a little higher without sacrificing comfort. 

Regular Maintenance

Regular AC Service Is A Great Way To Stay Energy Efficient This is probably the most important tip to keeping your air conditoning system energy efficient. Getting your AC tuned up and checked out regularly, along with changing your air filters, can make sure your system is working efficiently and help keep your bills in check. This will also help you lengthen the lifespan of your air conditioner, and reduce the chance for a breakdown and repair being needed. 

Upgrade Older Systems

If your air conditioner is older than ten years, it may be starting to come to the end of its lifecycle. New coolants are much more efficient, and heat pump systems like Mitsubishi Electric heat pumps can help reduce your energy usage by 30% compared to window AC units.

Try A Smart Or Programmable Thermostat

There are lots of them out there on the market, like the Nest, Ecobee, Honeywell and others can help you preset your system to adjust the temperature when you’re not home. Some of the smart thermostats will even learn your habits and make automatic adjustments to help you save energy, and can be adjusted from a smart phone app, which means you can monitor your home even when you’re on vacation! That can be helpful when there’s an extreme weather event at home- and you’re somewhere else entirely.

Shades And Ventilation

Pulling down the shades during the day to keep your home cooler, and opening windows at night can keep you comfortable without spending more money as well- never forget the simple fixes!

The bottom line is that your Air Conditioning can make hot days much more comfortable, but it does come at a cost.  By having a higher efficiency system and taking small steps can help keep your energy bills under control, regardless of what Mother Nature is dishing out for weather. At Blue Ridge Heating & Air, we always recommend keeping your system well maintained, because that is probably the single most important factor to saving you money now- on monthly energy bills, and later, by reducing the number of expensive repairs your system needs.

If you think your energy bills are too high and want to talk more about options to bring them in line, give us a call here at Blue Ridge Heating and Air and we’ll come out and inspect your system and see what can be done to make sure you are always comfortable in your home and not wasting money on energy bills.